What Marketing Message Do Financial Planners Give to Women?

If you went to a website and saw a woman staring back at you, without the usual “Firm” picture, would that make you feel more or less intimidated about taking some action to call or email her?

Interesting question…

Since most firms follow the male model, showing a bunch of people in suits around a conference table, I often wonder if that is intimidating to women or not?  Do you look for the images of solid oak trees, retirement villages, or leisure activities? Do you feel comforted by seeing grandparents with their grandkids?  How about all pink and bubbly?

I think if the appearance of the website is one of general lightness and less significance, a woman might be more interested.  If she can connect with the stories of other women, the pictures of the woman who would be offering the advice, something about the advisor and her philosophy about money, and maybe a paragraph or two about what she does when she is not helping other women, a woman might be more interested.

Like how she spends her “free” time. Or what organizations she is a part of?  It tells you a lot about what her passions are and if they sync up with yours.

I’d love to know what you think about the “marketing to women” thing.  Do you like to be approached differently than men or are you looking for the same set of criteria?


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  1. Jan 10 years ago

    I think my avoidance of finance is because it seems so closely tied to the stock market over which I have absolutely no feeling of control. Stocks go up and down for reasons which are too often totally unrelated to the value of the stock and the company. It’s a game that I can’t win. It doesn’t seem to me to be “winnable” by applying skill and honest effort. It is too much of a gamble and dependent on the non-existent integrity of the players. I can trust you, my financial analyst, but you can’t control the stock market either. The only reason that I am still in the stock market is because I do trust you and believe you when you say that I need to stay in it.
    So that leads me to agreeing with you that marketing to women (at least to this woman) should be based on presenting the financial analyst as trustworthy and knowledgeable. Knowing your history and interests are important. I need to feel that you are working to my benefit not for the best commission. (Which is not to say that you shouldn’t make a fair living at this business just that it should not be at the sacrifice of my financial security.)
    Seeing a group of men around a conference table is too reminiscent of all the meetings I used to attend as the only woman in the room – largely perceived to be of little clout and only there to take notes. The men’s club will make decisions for their monetary profit – not mine. I don’t trust them.
    My reaction to the picture on this post is that it’s a conference room of some big corporation that is more interested in the stock price (which will impact their stock options) than in their customers. Talk about faceless corporations – there are no faces visible in the picture. It’s a turn-off. I would rather see a picture of you at your desk surrounded by pictures of family, or in conversation with women similar to me. Show yourself and your people as individuals – not part of a corporate entity. I want to see faces!
    Hope that helps.

    • Linda 10 years ago

      A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!


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