What Our Mothers Taught Us About Money As I reflect on the time I was teenager, I remember the...
Women Physicians Still Earn Less Than Their Male Counterparts
Lynn Evans, , Choosing a Financial Planner, Financial Life Planning, Retirement Income Planning, 401K, doctors, fee-only financial planner, Financial Life Planning, managing money, Medscape, physician, planning for retirement, retirement, women, 0A recent study by Medscape showed us the sad facts: women physicians in general medicine as well as those...
Financial Planning Advice for Wives and Widows
Lynn Evans, , Choosing a Financial Planner, Client Profiles, Financial Life Planning, Widow, best financial planners, financial advisors, Financial Life Planning, financial planner, managing money, money decisions, widow, women, 0Why do wives leave their husband’s financial planner when they are widowed? Maybe because he never paid any attention to...
Retirement and Encore Careers
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, The New Retirementality, baby boomer, employment, maximize retirement, planning for retirement, retirement, Volunteering, when to retire, working, 0The time is running out to make the decision to retire or not yet. And you have all your...
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