Ladies, Let’s Talk About Money

Despite the prestigious academic degrees, the breadth of life experiences, and the promotions to the C-Suite, women are still woefully ignorant of money.  They blindly let others handle it, sweep it under the rug, defer thinking about it, and won’t look it square in the face.  It runs their lives, mostly by default.

Do you think it will go away if you ignore it?  You know the answer.

There is something between total ignorance and an advanced finance degree.  We call it Money Circles.

If we could all sit together in a living room-type atmosphere, share our experiences good and bad of people who claimed to advise us on money, bring to the surface what we were taught as girls about money, and perhaps find some courage to ask questions about money, we would breathe a collective sigh of relief.  And perhaps seek some qualified help on the subject.

It is not rocket science.

That is not to say any average person can manage their own finances, but it certainly helps to at least understand the language.

Sessions with a facilitator who has seen and heard it all, and will provide absolute safety and confidentiality, can open doors to a world you have never ventured in to.  And if it can be done with a lot of fun and a group of sympathetic colleagues, the easier it would be.

It’s time to get financially educated!  To learn more about whether joining a money circle is right for you click here:  Money Conversations.


Photo Credit: Jacquin-Qc


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