Why is it that women physicians lack the ability to create as much wealth as their male counterparts? Some...
Tag Archive for: 401K
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How to Maximize Your 401K and Investments
Lynn Evans, , Financial Life Planning, Money Conversations, Power of the Purse, Retirement Income Planning, 401K, amazon.com, baby boomer, financial advisors, Financial Life Planning, managing money, maximize retirement, Power of the Purse, retirement plans, women, 1What Our Mothers Taught Us About Money As I reflect on the time I was teenager, I remember the...
Women Physicians Still Earn Less Than Their Male Counterparts
Lynn Evans, , Choosing a Financial Planner, Financial Life Planning, Retirement Income Planning, 401K, doctors, fee-only financial planner, Financial Life Planning, managing money, Medscape, physician, planning for retirement, retirement, women, 0A recent study by Medscape showed us the sad facts: women physicians in general medicine as well as those...
The Importance of Life Insurance If Your Spouse Dies Post-Retirement
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Financial Life Planning, Retirement Income Planning, Widow, 401K, death of a spouse, financial reality, IRA, life insurance, managing money, mortgage, nursing home costs, retirement, social security, social security income, 0I was having a conversation with a co-worker last week in regards to the planning we do for those...
Women Are Better Investors
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Money Conversations, 401K, Beardstown Ladies Investment Club, dividends, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Investment, Investment Club, Peter Lynch, 0Women are supposed to be very conservative and very thrifty. That’s the model from our mother’s generation. Accounted for...
Afraid of Becoming a Bag Lady?
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Financial Life Planning, Retirement Income Planning, 401K, Additional INcome, baby boomer, baby boomer women, Bag Lady, fear of being alone, money, retirement, webinar, work part-time, 0The number one fear of most middle aged and retired women is NOT being a bag lady, but being...
When to take Social Security Benefits
Lynn Evans, , Financial Life Planning, Retirement Income Planning, The New Retirementality, 401K, annuities, assets, life insurance, pensions, personal investment accounts, personal investments, retirement, social security, TIAA-CREF, 0One of the most common questions I am asked in retirement planning, is “When do I start to take...
Of late, I have seen so many Facebook posts and LinkedIn comments regarding the secret to happiness being gratitude...
Guessing About Your Retirement
Lynn Evans, , Retirement Income Planning, 4013b, 401K, assets, defined benefit, defined contribution, financial advisors, planning for retirement, retirement, 0There are many commercials on TV recently about the importance of determining what your “number” is and if your...
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