It is usually an uncomfortable situation, to say the least, to settle a divorce amicably, let alone, fairly. That...
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Why You May Need Long Term Care Insurance
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Demenitia, financial advisors, financial independence, insurance companies, long-term care insurance, managing money, NEFCI, senility, 0Recently I read an article written by an insurance agent regarding the loss of long term care insurance by...
How to Maximize Your 401K and Investments
Lynn Evans, , Financial Life Planning, Money Conversations, Power of the Purse, Retirement Income Planning, 401K,, baby boomer, financial advisors, Financial Life Planning, managing money, maximize retirement, Power of the Purse, retirement plans, women, 1What Our Mothers Taught Us About Money As I reflect on the time I was teenager, I remember the...
Financial Planning Advice for Wives and Widows
Lynn Evans, , Choosing a Financial Planner, Client Profiles, Financial Life Planning, Widow, best financial planners, financial advisors, Financial Life Planning, financial planner, managing money, money decisions, widow, women, 0Why do wives leave their husband’s financial planner when they are widowed? Maybe because he never paid any attention to...
Retirement and Living the Good Life
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Retirement Income Planning, The New Retirementality, annuities, baby boomer, financial advisors, fulfilling retirement, life insurance, retirement, Retirement and Living the Good Life, 0It seems more attention is being paid by the larger insurance and annuity companies to express concern over what...
Guessing About Your Retirement
Lynn Evans, , Retirement Income Planning, 4013b, 401K, assets, defined benefit, defined contribution, financial advisors, planning for retirement, retirement, 0There are many commercials on TV recently about the importance of determining what your “number” is and if your...
No Time to Deal With It?
Lynn Evans, , Choosing a Financial Planner, Client Profiles, Financial Life Planning, financial advisors, managing money, money lady, women, 0The most common complaint I hear from accomplished women when it comes to their miserable relationship with money is,...
Are You Reluctant to Talk About Death & Money?
Lynn Evans, , Financial Life Planning, Retirement Income Planning, Widow, assets, death, financial advisors, Financial Life Planning, insurance, life insurance, managing money, 0September being National Insurance Awareness Month raises some often-ignored but important conversations. Nobody likes to talk about their own...
How Many People Does It Take to Do A Divorce?
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Divorce, divorce, divorce attorney, divorce lawyer, family lawyer, financial advisors, financial rules, managing money, 0More than one would think. The first step is a good divorce attorney, usually called a family law lawyer. ...
What’s the Secret to Baby Boomer Retirement Worries?
Lynn Evans, , Client Profiles, Retirement Income Planning, The New Retirementality, assets, fee only financial planners, financial advisors, managing money, retirement, 0If we knew the day we would die, planning for never outliving your money would be really easy. But...
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