Tips to Free Your Time and Simplify Your Life

At this busy time of year, we are all pressed above and beyond the norm to get it all done by Hanukkah or Christmas Eve. Or earlier.

And it highlights the virtual impossibility of trying to get it all done and hold a full-time job or run a business without having a mental breakdown or worse.

Yet, every year we try to be more organized and more conscious of how we can make the most of the trips we take to get the shopping done, the food bought and prepared, the packages and holiday cards mailed, the indoor and outdoor decorations placed and working, and all the other family traditions which need to be honored to make everyone happy.

And then we crash. And vow to do things differently next year, or eliminate some of those things on our list.

Does it ever get easier? We console ourselves with the fact that we did indeed get it all done and maybe everyone is happy.

What would it cost to have someone else do it for us? Did the thought every cross your mind? If you gave yourself permission to make a list of all the chores you do, the presents you buy, the specialty food you prepare or buy, the trips to the post office, how much of that could someone else do? Is it really necessary for you to do it all? If you do your shopping online, so much the better. Someone else could do that, too.

There are many people who would love to do these services for you. And they know where to go to get things done, who to call, and how to negotiate price. They might even allow you to get more out of the holiday season if you did not have to do it all yourself: a trim-a-tree party with hors d’oeuvres and drinks, a party for the kids to make gifts for the less fortunate, etc.

In the spirit of the season, work with a financial planner to find out where you can find some extra cash to buy you some extra time. Well worth the investment.

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Photo Credit: jordanandabby via Compfight cc

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  1. Bev Otten 9 years ago

    I agree. Having chosen NEFC to guide us/me with financial decisions was one of our best retirement decisions. Choosing to let them do the work, permits me to do the things I enjoy in retirement without the headaches and time-consuming activity of trying to make financial decisions by myself.


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